south african surname origins

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[166] At the same time, State-sponsored vigilante groups carried out violent attacks on communities and community leaders associated with resistance to apartheid. [131], Public opinion in South Africa split along racial and ethnic lines. Specifics of the contact between Bantu-speakers and the indigenous Khoisan ethnic group remain largely unresearched, although linguistic proof of assimilation exists, as several southern Bantu languages (notably Xhosa and Zulu) are theorised in that they incorporate many click consonants from the Khoisan languages, as possibilities of such developing independently are valid as well. 1709 by Zulu kaNtombela. By 1987, total military expenditure amounted to about 28% of the national budget. [164] By mid-1987 the Human Rights Commission knew of at least 140 political assassinations in the country, while about 200 people died at the hands of South African agents in neighbouring states. Others said it was not relevant to the struggle for their rights. Blignaut, Charl. Except in rare outcrops, however, the main gold deposits had over many years become covered gradually by thousands of feet of hard rock. It accelerated the formation of several new nation-states, notably those of the Sotho (present-day Lesotho) and the Swazi (now Eswatini (formerly Swaziland)). "[185] The Angolan government described the target of the attack as a refugee camp. The Portuguese mariner Bartolomeu Dias was the first European to explore the coastline of South Africa in 1488, while attempting to discover a trade route to the Far East via the southernmost cape of South Africa, which he named Cabo das Tormentas, meaning Cape of Storms. At its peak in 1987, the UDF had some 700 affiliates and about 3,000,000 members. Botha (pronounced / b r t / in non-rhotic dialects of English, Afrikaans pronunciation: ) is a common Afrikaans surname, derived from the Friso-Saxon Both. Many urban blacks supported the war expecting it would raise their status in society. During the administration of President Jacob Zuma corruption in South Africa had also become a growing problem. Van der Merwe is a common Afrikaans surname, derived from the Dutch van der Merwen ("from the Merwede"). Pronounce it KAH-yah. The British suffragette Emily Hobhouse visited British concentration camps in South Africa and produced a report condemning the appalling conditions there. Portrayals of indenture in recent South African writing", "Indianness Reconfigured, 1944-1960: The Natal Indian Congress in South Africa - The O'Malley Archives", "Surgeon-General SIR CHARLES MacDONAGH CUFFE, K.C.B., LL.D", "Eastern Cape Wars of Dispossession 1779-1878 | South African History Online", "Jacob Zuma a spawn of collaborators trying to right old wrongs", "Southern Africa - European and African interaction in the 19th century | Britannica", "Black involvement in the AngloBoer War, 18991902", "Partner in the Struggle against Apartheid", "Volume Five Truth and Reconciliation Commission of South Africa Report", "Institute of Security Studies, Monograph No.81", Political pardons would damage the legacy of South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission, 28. Griqualand then became a separate Crown Colony renamed Griqualand West in 1871, with a Lieutenant-General and legislative council. Since 2007 South Africa has experienced an ongoing energy crisis that has negatively impacted the country's economy,[237] its ability to create jobs,[237] and reduce poverty. Ransford, Oliver. Madia South African. Germany was the primary supplier of weapons to the Boers during the subsequent AngloBoer war. [169] For the veterans among your South African ancestors, military collections provide insights into where and when they served, and even physical descriptions. Lynx Southern African, English. It also meant the apartheid government could no longer link apartheid and its purported legitimacy to the protection of Christian values and civilisation in the face of the rooi gevaar, meaning "red danger" or the threat of communism. [1] South Africa's prehistory has been divided into two phases based on broad patterns of technology namely the Stone Age and Iron Age. Following Lord Carnarvon's successful introduction of federation in Canada, it was thought that similar political effort, coupled with military campaigns, might succeed with the African kingdoms, tribal areas and Boer republics in South Africa. [141] On 21 June 1942 nearly 10,000 South African soldiers, representing one-third of the entire South African force in the field, were taken prisoner by German Field Marshal Rommel's forces in the fall of Tobruk, Libya. Scientists researching the periods before written historical records were made have established that the territory of what is now referred to generically as South Africa was one of the important centers of human evolution. 1. [122], The AngloBoer War affected all ethnic groups in South Africa. "Untold History with a Historiography: A Review of Scholarship on Afrikaner Women in South African History.". British policy with regard to South Africa would vacillate with successive governments, but the overarching imperative throughout the 19th century was to protect the strategic trade route to India while incurring as little expense as possible within the colony. [125], Among other harsh segregationist laws, including denial of voting rights to black people, the Union parliament enacted the 1913 Natives' Land Act, which earmarked only eight percent of South Africa's available land for black occupancy. A list of references about Personal Names or Surnames at the Local History and Genealogy Reading Room at the Library of Congress. Hamilton, Carolyn and Bernard K. Mbenga, eds. [204] The uprising had been precipitated by Government legislation forcing African students to accept Afrikaans as the official medium for tuition,[205] with support from the wider Black Consciousness Movement. [117], The cause of the AngloBoer wars has been attributed to a contest over which nation would control and benefit most from the Witwatersrand gold mines. It was an independent and internationally recognised nation-state in southern Africa from 1852 to 1902. Tau m Southern African, Tswana, Sotho. [243] South Africa received more than 207,000 individual asylum applications in 2008 and a further 222,300 in 2009, representing nearly a four-fold rise in both years over the levels seen in 2007. [189], Both South Africa and Cuba claimed victory at the decisive battle of Cuito Cuanavale, which have been described as "the fiercest in Africa since World War II". It has been described as one of the most important paleontological discoveries in modern times. On 12 March 1868, the British parliament declared the Basotho Kingdom a British protectorate and part of the British Empire. [88] War broke out again in 1865. Another reason for Dutch-speaking white farmers trekking away from the Cape was the abolition of slavery by the British government on Emancipation Day, 1 December 1838. The first 1,000 indentured Chinese labourers arrived in June 1904. This facilitated purchases of munitions and food in the United States and neutral countries. The flag of Republic of South Africa was adopted on 26 April 1994. [89] The country was subsequently named Basutoland and is presently named Lesotho. From the 1830s onwards, numbers of white settlers from the Cape Colony crossed the Orange River and started arriving in the fertile southern part of territory known as the Lower Caledon Valley, which was occupied by Basotho cattle herders under the authority of the Basotho founding monarch Moshoeshoe I. Naidoo: A popular Indian surname in South Africa. When the war ended, Smuts represented South Africa in San Francisco at the drafting of the United Nations Charter in May 1945. In 1854, the British handed over the territory to the Boers through the signing of the Sand River Convention. [128], In 1924 the Afrikaner-dominated National Party came to power in a coalition government with the Labour Party. Initially, a period of strong economic growth and social development ensued. The establishment of the staging post by the Dutch East India Company at the Cape in 1652 soon brought the Khoikhoi into conflict with Dutch settlers over land ownership. Like a window into their day-to-day life, South African census records can tell you where and how your ancestors worked, their level of education, veteran status, and more. [77][78] To European settlers in Southern Africa, the same form of tribute was believed to constitute purchase and permanent ownership of the land under independent authority. -- 262 p. CS3080.S6 R6 Bibliography: p. 261-262. There are 3,000 census records available for the last name South African. The British then seized the Cape in 1795 to prevent it from falling into French hands. Their South African National Party, later known as the South African Party or SAP, followed a generally pro-British, white-unity line. Luter South African. [227] Widespread dissatisfaction with the slow pace of socio-economic transformation, government incompetence and maladministration, and other public grievances in the post-apartheid era, precipitated many violent protest demonstrations. [86] In the battles that followed, the Orange Free State tried unsuccessfully to capture Moshoeshoe's mountain stronghold at Thaba Bosiu, while the Sotho conducted raids in Free State territories. Elements of the South African Army refused to fight against the Germans and along with other opponents of the government; they rose in an open revolt known as the Maritz Rebellion. [24] Others, now known as the SothoTswana peoples (Tswana, Pedi, and Sotho), settled in the interior on the plateau known as the Highveld,[24] while today's Venda, Lemba, and Tsonga peoples made their homes in the north-eastern areas of present-day South Africa. The first modern humans are believed to have inhabited South Africa more than 100,000 years ago. Those settlers who were allocated money could only claim it in Britain in person or through an agent. Kaya (Southern African origin), meaning "restful place," and is a Zulu name pronounced KAH-yah. From the outset of hostilities in October 1899 to the signing of peace on 31 May 1902 the war claimed the lives of 22,000 imperial soldiers and 7,000 republican fighters. [211] As the culmination of mounting local and international opposition to apartheid in the 1980s, including the armed struggle, widespread civil unrest, economic and cultural sanctions by the international community, and pressure from the anti-apartheid movement around the world, State President F. W. de Klerk announced the lifting of the ban on the African National Congress, the Pan Africanist Congress and the South African Communist Party, as well as the release of political prisoner Nelson Mandela on 2 February 1990, after twenty-seven years in prison. The General Assembly had already suspended South Africa from the UN organisation on 12 November 1974. "Women in South Africa: the historiography in English.". [19] The Boers took a defensive position with the high banks of the Ncome River forming a natural barrier to their rear with their ox waggons as barricades between themselves and the attacking Zulu army. To Moshoeshoe the BaSotho chieftain from Lesotho, it was customary tribute in the form of horses and cattle represented acceptance of land use under his authority. Smuts also signed the Paris Peace Treaty, resolving the peace in Europe, thus becoming the only signatory of both the treaty ending the First World War, and that which ended the Second.[140]. [179] The Cuban intervention was decisive in helping reverse SADF and UNITA advances and cement MPLA rule in Angola. It was inhabited by Australopithecines since at least 2.5 million years ago. The death penalty was abolished, land reform and redistribution policies were introduced, and equitable labour laws legislated. Abebe (Amharic origin) meaning "flower". As punishment to the Basotho, the governor and commander-in-chief of the Cape Colony, George Cathcart, deployed troops to the Mohokare River; Moshoeshoe was ordered to pay a fine. Meaning "lynx" in English. [135], Black and mixed-race South Africans who had supported the war were embittered when post-war South Africa saw no easing of white domination and racial segregation.[136]. Around 1800, they started crossing the northern frontier formed by the Orange River, arriving ultimately in an uninhabited area, which they named Griqualand. It has, however, been verified that 17,182 black people died mainly of diseases in the Cape concentration camps alone, but this figure is not accepted historically as a true reflection of the overall numbers. Here is a list of popular South African last names. 'The significance of the Cape trade route to economic activity in the Cape Colony: a medium-term business cycle analysis', European Review of Economic History, 14 (2010), pp. Boer Voortrekkers in 1838 established the Republic of Natalia in the surrounding region, with its capital at Pietermaritzburg. Special African Surnames, their Origin and What they Mean 1. They moved about 500 miles eastward, over the Quathlamba (today known as the Drakensberg mountain range), settling ultimately in an area officially designated as "Nomansland", which the Griquas renamed Griqualand East. Finding and extracting the deposits far below the ground called for the capital and engineering skills that would soon result in the deep-level mines of the Witwatersrand producing a quarter of the world's gold, with the "instant city" of Johannesburg arising astride the main Witwatersrand gold reef. This list may not reflect recent changes . This did not prevent the outbreak of a Second AngloBoer war. The republic regained its independence as the Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek ("South African Republic"), or ZAR. The same legislation applied also to South West Africa over which South Africa had continued after World War I to exercise a disputed League of Nations mandate. 77. BP Willan, "The South African Native Labour Contingent, 19161918", Bill Nasson, "A Great Divide: Popular Responses to the Great War in South Africa,", Russell Ally, "War and goldthe Bank of England, the London gold market and South Africa's gold, 191419,", Susan Mathieson and David Atwell, "Between Ethnicity and Nationhood: Shaka Day and the Struggle over Zuluness in post-Apartheid South Africa" in, Mark Swilling & Mark Phillips, "State power in the 1980s: from total strategy to counter revolutionary warfare", in Jacklyn Cock & Laurie Nathan (eds). The first KhoikhoiDutch War broke out in 1659, the second in 1673, and the third 16741677. This caused further dissatisfaction among the Dutch settlers. The president is elected by the National Assembly and serves a term that expires at the next general election. It comes from the word Latin "praetor" and it's very common in South Africa. [199] From the 1960s onwards until 1989, MK carried out numerous acts of sabotage and attacks on military and police personnel. By June 1900, Pretoria, the last of the major Boer towns, had surrendered. Search US census records for South African, View all South African immigration records, Do not sell or share my personal information. [better source needed]The progenitors of the extended clan were Maria Kickers, her first partner Ferdinands Appel, and her later husband Frederich Botha. Black people were recruited or conscripted by both sides into working for them either as combatants or non-combatants to sustain the respective war efforts of both the Boers and the British. [26] Many Portuguese words are still found along the coast of South Africa including Saldanha, Algoa, Natal, Agulhas, Benguela and Lucia. [217], The immediate post-apartheid period was marked by an exodus of skilled, white South Africans amid crime related safety concerns. A series of battles ensued, in which Mzilikazi was eventually defeated. 78. The small initial group of free burghers, as these farmers were known, steadily increased in number and began to expand their farms further north and east into the territory of the Khoikhoi. These are the 10 most common African American surnames according to the 2000 census: Williams: Williams is a patronymic of English origin of someone with a forebear named William. Within census records, you can often find information like name of household members, ages, birthplaces, residences, and occupations. It's pronounced Col-u-WHA. Meaning: 'Lion.' 3. Religion was a very important aspect of the settlers culture and the bible and church services were in Dutch. Leaders of the Communist Party of South Africa were mostly white. A president may serve a maximum of two terms. It is the tenth most common family name in the Republic of South Africa. . [206], A non-racial United Democratic Front (UDF) coalition of about 400 civic, church, student, trade union and other organisations emerged in 1983. Sekhukhune, members of his family and some Bapedi generals were subsequently imprisoned in Pretoria for two years, with Sekhukhuneland becoming part of the Transvaal Republic. Truth and Reconciliation Commission (1998), Findings in respect of the state and its allies: findings 82, 100 c, 100 f, 101, 102 pp. Racial segregation and white minority rule known officially as apartheid, an Afrikaans word meaning "separateness", was implemented in 1948. Nineteenth-Century Contests For Land In South Africa's Caledon Valley And The Invention Of The Mfecane", "First Indian workers arrive in South Africa | South African History Online", "Crossing the Kala Pani: cause for "Celebration" or "Commemoration" 150 years on? He withdrew from the area and led his people northwards to what would later become the Matabele region of Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe). The British, who at that time controlled the area between the Orange and Vaal Rivers called the Orange River Sovereignty, decided a discernible boundary was necessary and proclaimed a line named the Warden Line, dividing the area between British and Basotho territories. In 1878, Waterboer led an unsuccessful rebellion against the colonial authorities, for which he was arrested and briefly exiled.[76]. [114] The decision was made to start importing Chinese indentured labourers who were prepared to work for far less wages than local African labourers. Prinsloo is an Afrikaans surname. 128 km per hour in the match against England at Cape Town. [citation needed] [127], Dissatisfaction with British influence in the Union's affairs reached a climax in September 1914, when impoverished Boers, anti-British Boers and bitter-enders launched a rebellion. 2. Bartle Frere then sent Lord Chelmsford to invade Zululand. 32. 3. Thabani m Southern African, Zulu, Ndebele. du Toit is an Afrikaans surname of French origin, originally from Franois du Toit, a Huguenot who moved to South Africa in 1686. Economically, South Africa supplied two-thirds of gold production in the British Empire, with most of the remainder coming from Australia. A significant number of the offspring from the white and slave unions were absorbed into the local proto-Afrikaans speaking white population. As societies became more complex or were colonised by more complex societies these distinguishing names became fixed and were passed on to the next generation. Afrikaans, previously regarded as a low-level Dutch patois, replaced Dutch as an official language of the Union. The government declared martial law on 14 October 1914, and forces loyal to the government under the command of generals Louis Botha and Jan Smuts defeated the rebellion. [95] Keate awarded ownership to the Griquas. During the early-1990s, Poqo was renamed Azanian People's Liberation Army (APLA). The survivors were captured and allegedly enslaved. It authorised the forced evictions of thousands of African people from urban centres in South Africa and South West Africa (now Namibia) to what became described colloquially as "Bantustans" or the "original homes", as they were officially referred to, of the black tribes of South Africa. Many blacks adopted the surname of Freeman after emancipation in 1863. Cuba had initially provided the MPLA with 230 military advisers prior to the South African intervention. Axmed (Somali origin) the variant for Ahmed. 2. [222] The debt was finally settled in September 2001. The assistance that South Africa gave the British Empire was significant. In early South Africa, European notions of national boundaries and land ownership had no counterparts in African political culture. [28] The VOC also brought some 71,000 slaves to Cape Town from India, Indonesia, East Africa, Mauritius, and Madagascar.[29]. [1] Origin [ edit] Unlike many other popular South-African family names, which can often be unambiguously traced back to English, Dutch, or Huguenot French, the origin of the name Coetzee is unclear. [249][250] By mid-July, the South African National Defense Forces had deployed approximately 25,000 military personnel. [36] This had the effect of forcing more of the Dutch colonists to move (or trek) away from British administrative reach. This was the 499th most popular girl name in the U.K. in 2005, with 70 newborns being named Aamina. The independent Boer republic of Orange Free State evolved from colonial Britain's Orange River Sovereignty, enforced by the presence of British troops, which lasted from 1848 to 1854 in the territory between the Orange and Vaal rivers, named Transorange. In 1895, a column of mercenaries in the employ of Cecil John Rhodes' Rhodesian-based Charter Company and led by Captain Leander Starr Jameson had entered the ZAR with the intention of sparking an uprising on the Witwatersrand and installing a British administration there. Origin: Ghanaian Meaning: "Child that keeps coming or reincarnation." Kanumba Origin: Tanzanian Meaning: Unknown. His impis (warrior regiments) were rigorously disciplined: failure in battle meant death.[46]. -- Cape Town : H. Timmins, 1965. The war is notable for several particularly bloody battles, including an overwhelming victory by the Zulu at the Battle of Isandlwana, as well as for being a landmark in the timeline of imperialism in the region. [10], The descendants of the Middle Paleolithic populations are thought to be the aboriginal San and Khoikhoi tribes. People with the surname include: Alexander du Toit (1878-1948), South African geologist Anri du Toit aka Yolandi Visser, South African musician 5. A key act of legislation during this time was the Homeland Citizens Act of 1970. An estimated five thousand Zulu warriors were involved. The convention came into force on 18 July 1976. It caused the consolidation of groups such as the Matebele, the Mfengu and the Makololo. Kaiser Wilhelm's government arranged for the two Boer Republics to purchase modern breech-loading Mauser rifles and millions of smokeless gunpowder cartridges. According to Solomon Johannes Terreblanche, a South African academic economist, the government's concessions to big business represented "treacherous decisions that [will] haunt South Africa for generations to come". [202] The Africanists broke away from the ANC to form the Pan-Africanist Congress and its military wing named Poqo, which became active mainly in the Cape provinces. The First Sekhukhune War of 1876 was conducted by the Boers, and the two separate campaigns of the Second Sekhukhune War of 1878/1879 were conducted by the British. Less than a handful of prosecutions were ever pursued. Desiree Hansson, "Changes in counter-revolutionary state strategy in the decade 197989", in Desiree Hansson and Dirk van Zyl Smit (eds.). Abimbola: [110], Of the leading 25 foreign industrialists who were instrumental in opening up deep level mining operations at the Witwatersrand gold fields, 15 were Jewish, 11 of the total were from Germany or Austria, and nine of that latter category were also Jewish. [23] The advancing Bantu encroached on the Khoikhoi territory, forcing the original inhabitants of the region to move to more arid areas. Afrikaners were split, with some like Botha and Smuts taking a prominent leadership role in the British war effort. On 4 November 1977, the Security Council imposed a mandatory arms embargo in terms of Resolution 181 calling upon all States to cease the sale and shipment of arms, ammunition and military vehicles to South Africa. It translates as "of the roof". APLA denied the attacks were racist in character, claiming that the attacks were directed against the apartheid government as all whites, according to the PAC, were complicit in the policy of apartheid. The kingdom controlled trade through the east African ports to Arabia, India and China, and throughout southern Africa, making it wealthy through the exchange of gold and ivory for imports such as Chinese porcelain and Persian glass beads.[25]. In 1993, attacks on white civilian targets in public places increased. Eventually, van Riebeeck and the VOC began to make indentured servants out of the Khoikhoi and the San. The precious metal that underpinned international trade would dominate South African exports for decades to come. Ababio - Origin: Ghanaian. One of our 3 capital cities is also . The SSDI is a searchable database of more than 70 million names. Cecil Rhodes and Charles Rudd followed, with their Gold Fields of South Africa company. The more radical Boers split away under the leadership of General Barry Hertzog, forming the National Party (NP) in 1914. Many of the modern surnames in the dictionary can be traced back to Britain and Ireland. Many of the 1820 Settlers eventually settled in Grahamstown and Port Elizabeth. With 250,000 paid-up members at the height of its existence, it was the largest white protest movement in the country's history. Multi-national mining corporations including Anglo-American Corporation, Lonmin, and Anglo Platinum, were accused of failing to address the enduring legacies of apartheid. [198] The armed wing of the ANC, Umkhonto weSizwe (abbreviation MK, meaning Spear of the Nation) claimed moral legitimacy for the resort to violence on the grounds of necessary defence and just war. Passenger lists are your ticket to knowing when your ancestors arrived in the USA, and how they made the journey - from the ship name to ports of arrival and departure. Between 19601994, according to statistics from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, the Inkatha Freedom Party was responsible for 4,500 deaths, South African Police 2,700, and the ANC about 1,300. The weaker and less-skilled Dingaan became king, relaxing military discipline while continuing the despotism. In September 1854, 28 Boers accused of cattle rustling were killed in three separate incidents by an alliance of the Ndebele chiefdoms of Mokopane and Mankopane. From 19481994, South African politics was dominated by Afrikaner nationalism. 'Explaining the Ship Traffic Fluctuations in the Early Cape Settlement: 16521793', South African Journal of Economic History, 23 (2008), pp. [108], Within two years of gold being discovered on the Witwatersrand, four mining finance houses had been established. Meanwhile, 34-year-old South African pacer Shabnim Ismail not only took three wickets but also registered her name in record books by bowling the fastest ball in women's cricket. Later, English and Dutch seafarers in the late 16th and 17th centuries exchanged metals for cattle and sheep with the Khoikhoi. [67] Members of this mixed-race community formed the core of what was to become the Griqua people. About three thousand Zulu warriors died in the clash known historically as the Battle of Blood River.[81][82]. [80], The increasing economic involvement of the British in southern Africa from the 1820s, and especially following the discovery of first diamonds at Kimberley and gold in the Transvaal, resulted in pressure for land and African labour, and led to increasingly tense relations with Southern African states.[40]. Today middle names are common among people with a Catholic, Protestant, Islamic or South Asian background. The progenitors of the extended clan are Willem Schalk van der Merwe (born in "Broeck", probably [[Broek= Babyloninbroek], province Noord-Brabant May 1634,in Babyloninbroek (Broek) and . The meaning of this strong African boys' name makes it ideal for the first son of a family that has Ibibio ancestry. Paul Kruger, one of the leaders of the uprising, became President of the ZAR in 1883. [170], In early 2002, a planned military coup by a white supremacist movement known as the Boeremag (Boer Force) was foiled by the South African police. [99] The widening search for gold and other resources were financed by the wealth produced and the practical experience gained at Kimberley. 127. By 1902, 26,000 Boer women and children had died of disease and neglect in the camps. The ANC-led government, in a historic reversal of policy, adopted neoliberalism instead. [109] In 1895 there was an investment boom in Witwatersrand gold-mining shares. It is a Dutch/Flemish variant on the word Lowe, meaning Lion. [100] Revenue accruing to the Cape Colony from the Kimberley diamond diggings enabled the Cape Colony to be granted responsible government status in 1872, since it was no longer dependent on the British Treasury and hence allowing it to be fully self-governing in similar fashion to the federation of Canada, New Zealand and some of the Australian states.

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